Early Intervention Continuing Education in New York

Training requirements must be completed before December 31 of each year. Based on NYC EIP rules and regulations, interventionists who do not meet annual training requirements by the end of the year may lose their ability to continue serving EI cases. Early intervention free of charge trainings are now being offered by NYS DOH in conjunction with EI Learning Network (Just Kids Early Childhood Learning Center). For schedule and registration information, please visit the NYSDOH website: http://www.health.ny.gov/community/infants_children/early_intervention/training.htm

or EI Learning Network (Just Kids Early Childhood Learning Center) website:

The training calendar running from Jan-March 2014 is up on their website. Please visit their website for the calendar and you can register for the trainings there as well. The website is: https://www.eilearningnetwork.com/index.php/?category_name=events

A variety of online trainings offered by Early Intervention Therapist & Teacher Online College (Fees apply) that you may take at your own pace. Website:
